CBS | 22 episodes | Supernatural Drama
WHO'S IN IT? Gary Cole, Lucas Black, Sarah Paulson, Jake Weber
SYNOPSIS: A quiet, seemingly-quaint small town is ruled over by its charming yet evil sheriff who uses his demonic powers to remove anyone who dares to stand in his way. The only one he fears is a young boy whom he fathered through rape.
VERDICT: ★★★★☆
During the first episode, Sarah Paulson's character, Merlyn, is murdered by the local sheriff who snaps her neck after she’s almost bludgeoned to death by her own father. Sheriff Buck then manipulates Sarah’s father into committing suicide so he can claim Sarah's brother, Caleb, his biological son, as his own. Later in the episode, Merlyn returns in ghost form to help guide Caleb from Sheriff Buck’s grasp. Caleb is further assisted by the newly arrived Dr Crowther (Jake Webber), and his out of town cousin, Gail, who begin to uncover the sheriff’s role in the deaths of Merlyn and her father.
American Gothic only lasted for one season, not because of the quality of the writing or production, but mostly because the show wasn't really given a chance by CBS. It seems several episodes were aired out of order, and the show wasn't given as much publicity as CBS' other shows in the 1995-96 TV season.
CANCELLED TOO SOON? Yes, check anywhere and American Gothic is far from forgotten. Contemporary critics say had the show been made today, it would have been a hit - mostly because networks now have a better idea on how to promote and schedule this type of show. The show is on DVD - I will definitely watch more!
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